Because I'm always rushing.
Yes, Mother. I know that it is my own fault I am so busy. I acknowledge that. Because, truly, some day I will not be so busy. Some day my kids will not be here for me to chase after. But, just think of all the things I say no to!
Like dusting!
And cleaning my refrigerator!
And washing my car!
Truly, the list goes on and on...
Like volunteering at school. Don't think I didn't just hear that collective gasp from many of you. But, I'll say it again. I don't volunteer at school. Oh, I do the class party thing when I'm not having to work...But that's not a real sort of commitment....I volunteered last year. But that was the only time. I had a friend tell me that I wasn't "the school volunteer type." As this was a homeschooling former teacher, I have to admit my hackles rose a bit.
Because. Really. What is that comment supposed to mean? And how can one take that as an even remote compliment?
So, out of sheer defiance against my friend Shelly, I volunteered last year at school. I volunteered once a week to read with children who were struggling with reading. I loved it. So, ha! That just goes to show what you know, Shelly...
Not the "school volunteer type." I showed her...
*I will confess something to you, Gentle Reader. I am not the school volunteer type. I'm just not. I don't get those moms who are there 5 days a week. I don't even fit in with them. I understand, the school needs these moms, because the moms like me don't volunteer. But, still. I just don't get it.*
And then, well, this year came about. And I just couldn't make myself do it. Yes, I enjoyed it. The problem is, I enjoy all of the stuff I volunteer to do. But something had to go. So, I'm not volunteering at school. So, ha! I showed my mother. I eliminated something from my schedule...
Overbooked. My big left foot!
Then, I decided in order to help with finances until I can find a job with the hours I want (and I'm kind of specific here), I would start working Wednesdays while the girls are in school. I work in a procedural department at this time, so I'm able to kind of come and go just to help out. However, that meant something else had to go. I stopped volunteering to help my music pastor on Wednesday mornings. After all, logistically, it is impossible to be at work and volunteering at church at the same time...
So, ha! That shows you Mom! I let go of another responsibility!
I am on a roll...........
But, none of that was what this lovely post is about.
Nope. It's not....
Are you confused yet? I am...
I was rushing out the door to take Popcorn to basketball practice by 5. I had supervised homework and piano practice and put together dinner after school. As we were heading out the door, I stopped and put the lasagna in the oven. Studmuffin coaches her team, so I merely drop off and return home.
I was sitting here, folding clothes (why do I hate to fold and put away clothes? It is so simple. Yet, I hate it...But truly, it's as close to doing nothing as you can get while actually doing something), when I realized I smelled something burning.
In my rush to put the lasagna in the oven, (I make mine with normal noodles, but add 1.5 cups of water to avoid having to boil them, so it takes an hour to cook) I had failed to place a pan under the casserole dish.
Of course it boiled over...
I took out the lasagna, uncovered it (you do this in the last 15 minutes) and belatedly stuck a pan under it...
But it was too late.
My oven is not self cleaning.
Can you believe that? I didn't even know non-self cleaning ovens existed until I'd been living in this house about 6 months and finally decided to clean it. Dag nab it.
This is what the bottom of my oven looks like now...
And considering, my lack of motivation to clean ovens, it will probably look like this for a while.
Just bein' real here.
I am proud of you that you volunteer, but I am also proud that you know your limits. Sorry about the oven, mine looks like that and it is a self cleaning one. I better take care of that tomorrow. LOL
I loathe oven cleaning. And I have a self cleaning oven!
Oh Man! You are such a busy girl! Which I already knew. Haha! I keep telling myself, my life slow down someday, but I think I'm just going to have to get used to being busy AND getting things done in a timely manner at the same time too... interesting if this actually works out! P.S. I'm quite proud and shocked that grandma used LOL! HAHA even though it might mean Lots of Love to her! lol :D
What I noticed over and over again was your referral to your you have that "mother voice" that is in your head all the time like I do? I swear, until I get all my Christmas thank yous written, I can hear her in my head, "Jaime, have you written your thank yous? Did you not appreciate your gifts? Did I raise an ungrateful daughter?" You get the picture. I'm thinking you suffer from the "mother voice" condition as well. (Either that, or she's a regular blog reader...) No matter, it's a curse. Glad you have it too! It's nice to know I'm not alone in the world! Ha!
I'm so glad you posted a picture with this. That oven is SO dreadfully dirty! :) I'm not the school volunteer type and I am a teacher. I'd be greateful for moms to come and help. but I'd wonder why they didn't have anything else to do. And I'd be afraid they were spies for the super duper conservatives and report my inappropriate books or inappropriate school teacher attitude...:)
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