Thursday, January 14, 2010

Do you want to come to my Super Bowl party?

I have ideas for 2 other posts in my brain...

But I'm going to invite any of you who want to come to my Super Bowl party.

Why am I thinking about the Super Bowl? I have no idea when it is. I have no idea who will be playing, but I do know Studmuffin will be pleased if Bret Favre is playing, so I guess that means the Vikings this year...

However, Survivor usually premieres after the Super Bowl.

Of course, it's not on now. That means I have nothing to watch on TV tonight. That means there is no excuse to eat pizza in front of the TV.

Which is a good thing.

I need to clean house, because my in-laws are coming tomorrow night. The house HAS to be clean for them. You see, one time they helped us move. They helped us move from our first apartment to our second. I had already moved everything but the heavy items, and even unpacked most of it. They were there for furniture hoisting, primarily.

Can you guess what my beloved mother-in-love said when we were moving into our new apartment?

"This apartment feels a lot cleaner than your last one."


We had lived in the previous apartment for a year. So, I'm pretty sure any "unclean feelings" came from our own "uncleanness...."

Yes, Scotty.

I have clung to that statement for nearly 13 years.


I will never forget you made it.

Therefore, I must clean my house tonight.....

But, returning to the Super Bowl party:

I am pretty sure we will have to have a party at our house, complete with our 18 inch TV. We have a group of families that we kind of do "holiday" type stuff with. One of them has a big screen. Unfortunately, they all actually like sports and follow them closely. I am NOT a sports fan.

Not. At. All....

So, I need to have anyone who is a non-sports fan to come to my Super Bowl party. You see, I need someone to stand in the kitchen with me and eat. And laugh. And be really loud. Maybe we will be really wild and get up a game of dominoes or Skip-Bo. Who knows.

But we won't be watching the Super Bowl. Oh, it will be on the TV. Studmuffin will be watching it. But, the people in the kitchen eating their heads off with me will not be watching it...

However, we will be watching Survivor after the Super Bowl. So, you will need to either leave or shut your yap when it begins...


Maybe I should have a Pre-Season Premiere of Survivor Party instead.


Southern Gal said...

I wish I lived closer so I could keep you company. Sounds heavenly.

Unknown said...

I'm afraid there is nothing about "Superbowl Party" that appeals to me--unless it is standing in the kitchen eating! :)

The Lumberjack's Wife said...

I have held onto a similar comment from my mother-in-law for 9 years! :)
I think I live too far away. I don't know where you live, but I live in the Northwest. :)

Marilyn said...

When is the superbowl?that's what I know about it. I am sure some of our friends know about it but not me. Maybe I will come for the food.

The Park Wife said...

I am up for a Superbowl party, I will even bring some Brett Favre college stories with me, well, maybe not all of them, he was a bit wild back in our USM days. But, I will bring Superbowl food, I love Superbowl food, nachos, hot wings, oh my, I am getting hungry.

I will watch for my invitation!
The Park Wife