Saturday, January 23, 2010


Studmuffin set up a Facebook account when I wasn't looking. What is he thinking? He complains because I spend too much time in front of this thing as it is?

"All of the people who request me as their friend know you!"

You have to understand, he never seeks anyone out, and he used to agonize over why people wanted to be his friend, "I haven't seen them in years! Why do they want to friend me?" It took a while for him to catch on. Now he accepts every friend offer. However, I don't know that he ever posts, or whatever it's called.

"But I don't want to link up my blog to Facebook! People will know who I am, and where I live, and what my kids real names are!"

"Well, you don't have to link up your blog to Facebook if you don't want to," he replied with a look of confusion.

"But what's the point of my having Facebook if it doesn't bring me fame and glory?"

I thought he was going to fall off the couch laughing at me Gentle Reader....

FYI, I have thus far resisted even taking a peak at my account. Again I know my penchant for nosiness. I'm just trying to save myself from an obsession I have no time for!


Marilyn said...

I have a facebook account but it is not my obsession. I would rather read blogs and that takes all of the time that I have for computer. Well, I do like to play a few games once in awhile.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Facebook is fun! And my blog is on Facebook, but people who are my friends on FB already know my kids names and they get that on the blog, my kids all have code names.
But it is kind of embarassing. I wonder if some people think my blog is lame.
Good luck!

Anonymous said...

I had a facebook account when they first started in early 2004. I signed up for a account not knowing what I was signing up for??? Somehow it got sent to everyone in my email address book. People were emailing me back asking me; "what is this thing called FB and how do I use it?" I told them I didn't have a clue?? I didn't even think about it until a couple of years ago when my daughter became a facebook junkie. I tried it again about a year ago and spent 2 wks. setting it up and tweaking it the way I wanted it and added about 50 friends. I thought it was kind of boring and quickly lost interest.

Just last week I opened a new FB account for the sole purpose of directing traffic to my blog. I've already got over 100 friends. The only info about me that I allow to be seen is my blog link and my gmail. I just started getting a little action today.

Tell 'studmuffin' I'll be his friend.

God bless you, Ron

Unknown said...

Go ahead! Peek! Have you read CDW today?

Southern Gal said...

No facebook for me either. Nor Twitter. I spend enough time sitting here reading my favorite bloggy friends.

Anonymous said...

I know this is obvious but YOU told us YOU had facebook. You have created the monster not your hubby. LOL