Friday, April 16, 2010

Smart Kids

Today after I picked the girls up from school, we came home, changed out of their Land Run Day clothes, and headed to town. Of course we will have a Land Run Day post coming soon.

We were all pretty excited. They had not been shopping, except for Easter dresses since last fall. We were even planning a big splurge and eating at Chik Fil A for supper...

On the way, they were counting their own money and discussing what they were going to buy, where they were going to buy it, and so on. Mind you, neither of them seemed to have the faintest of idea of what they wanted or needed. They just each had a whopping eight bucks, and that was about to burst into a cataclysmic explosion, it was so hot...

Well, you all know, that I'm the Queen of Cheap. Sometimes I hate myself for that. However, it also irritates me when my kids buy something just to buy something because they have saved up a buck or two. So, being the big fat party pooper mommy that I am, I said, "Hey squirrels! You know, you can use your money however you want, but you can also be smart and save some too!"

There. I gave them leeway, but I packed a small overnight bag of guilt trip to give them pause about their purchases...

Popcorn responded with nary a second's hesitation, "Mom. We're both really smart. But we still want to spend our money today."

I laughed so hard I had tears streaming down my face.

Next conversation: We were walking through Target. It was my turn to buy the coffee for work. One of our generous docs got us a Bosch single cup brewer. Very generous of him, eh? Well, this means that we have to buy the coffee for the special coffee maker. We can only find this coffee at Target in our area. Piddle. I never thought I'd actually break down and buy coffee to drink at a hospital where I'm virtually surrounded by free coffee.

We were cutting through the greeting card aisle on our way to the toy area after making the coffee grab. The girls wanted to stop and listen to the sound cards....

By the way, I bought a card for my mommy, because miracle of miracles I haven't forgotten her birthday yet, but give me time...I will. I am a terrible daughter. Terrible. However, I found the perfect card for her. I was laughing so hard, I can't wait to share it with you. After her birthday, of course...

So, Bookworm picks up a sound card with a cute squirrel on the front, and it says something along the lines of Sparky the Squirrel will give his left nut to wish you a happy birthday...

Then, when you open it, it starts in with the squirrel scolding you that he isn't giving up his left nut, he's only got two of 'em and you must be out of your mind, yada yada, blah blah blah... Bookworm positively cackled. I thought, "Wow! I can't believe she understands that!"

Guess what?

She didn't get it.

But her sister did.


Yep, my fourth grader was totally clueless. And my second grader was totally not....



Southern Gal said...

Hilarious! And scary?

Anonymous said...

Ha! Looks like you get to be having "the talk" soon! :)