In my freezer! HOORAY! We've been beef deprived since we moved here from Texas. We had this great little grocery store with a butcher in it, and I always bought my meat there. I loved it. It was just like you see in "So I Married an Axe Murderer." I would walk in and actually point at the exact piece of meat I wanted. And they wrapped it up on the spot. Now, to many of you, this is no big deal, but to others of you, who have lived in metropolitan areas, like me, you understand the privilege this was. The ground meat was not in some weird spaghetti looking pattern, packed with oxygen to keep it pink, and then sealed with plastic wrap. You can never get rid of that spaghetti makes terrible burgers...but I've digressed....
I have BEEF! Thanks to my fabulous parents who gave us beef for Christmas. YEAH! We can now eat tacos, and lasagna, and chili....And so much more!
Hey, here's a great idea for leftover taco meat (I actually eat it this way from the start.) Mix it with a bag of lettuce (I seriously can eat about half a bag for lunch) stir in some salsa, and maybe a smidgen of ranch dressing, and you have taco salad! But real taco salad without tons of calories...It tastes great...try it! Of course there's tons of other stuff you can stir in, but this is the most calorie efficient way.
Speaking of calories....Remember we bought a new car? And how does this relate to calories you ask? Patience, you know I must chase rabbits to get to my point...The dealership we bought our Outlook from sent us a package....
No joke. The are to die for. There's dark chocolate, milk chocolate, and white fudge....They each came in a tube, like Pringles, and they're Pringle-like chips too. Yum-O! I ate four of them before I even started to reheat my leftover chili for lunch today. Yes, there was a moment of self-loathing afterward...but it was worth it!
Hey, someday I'll do a post on those egg sandwiches I mentioned the other day, but I want to pretend I'm Pioneer Woman, and do pics and everything, which will probably lead to me burning something, which may make the possibility of that post scant...but keep an eye out for it! I don't actually think they're all that special, but it is a great idea for a quick cheap dinner for the family when you're in a hurry and yet still want to eat a sit-down meal with the fam!
yum. I want an egg sandwich for supper. Or maybe a taco salad cause we had tacos last night. But they are feeding us supper at church cause it's Wednesday night so I won't have to cook or clean up if I eat there. I'm a lot less picky with what I eat at church if I don't have to cook or clean it up!
And I think a burned food picture would add an element of fun, realism and perhaps even of surprise to a cooking blog!
*putting my fish back in the freezer*
... What time should I be there for dinner?
:-D YUM!
Your dad would be so proud that you are having BEEF. Keep putting in those good plugs for it. Hey we had it made lean. Mom And I can't get this to do my password or what I think is my password. so I will remain annonymous
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