Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Even the small things matter to Him

God cares. Isn't that nice to hear? As Christians we hear "God cares for you" all of the time. But do we believe it? If you're like me your answer will be a resounding "YES!" However, if I stop and really listen, and think, what will the answer be?

I love when God smacks me in the face with a truth I needed to hear and I'm not even looking for it. I'm studying the prophets right now. I'm currently reading in 2 Kings about Elisha's ministry. Today I was reading about the miracles God performed through Elisha. The great thing about Elisha's ministry is how he touched people. Ordinary people. Like me. I urge you to read 2 Kings 4-8. It is full of God's goodness and Elisha's willingness to meet people's needs.

Today God spoke to me. He spoke to me about trusting Him. "Of course I trust You!" Then, I read 2 Kings 6:1-6. Here is this little miracle in the middle of a bunch of big miracles. An axhead floats. Did this miracle save a life? Did it feed hundreds? Did it alter the coarse of history? No. But it made a difference to one of God's servants. The servant lost his iron axhead in the Jordan River. And it was borrowed. Isn't that typical? The man was very upset. Elisha touched the place where it landed with a stick and the iron floated to the top. I'm sure most of you have heard this story, but it really struck me today.

Nothing is too small for God. Nothing is too big for God, so how can any of my problems be too small for Him?

2 Chronicles 32:7 Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or discouraged because of the king of Assyria and the vast army with him for there is a greater power with us than with him.

Psalm 55:18 He ransoms me unharmed from the battle waged against me, even though many oppose me.

Romans 8:31 What then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us?

1 John 4:4b The one who is in you is greater than the one who is in the world

2 Kings 6:16 "Don't be afraid," the prophet answered. "Those who are with us are more than those who are with them."

All of these verses are responses to great opposition to the believer. There was nowhere to turn but God. So, obviously, God can handle my big problems. Easily. I trust God to deal with the big stuff. I struggle with giving him my little stuff. I tend to try and fix all of those issues on my own. But I see here, in 2 Kings 6:5, that this man did not dive into the Jordan and try to find his axhead himself (the Jordan was a dirty, murky river). He did not go to all of his coworkers to get their advice on how to find the axhead, or how to tell the person he borrowed it from how he lost it. Instead he immediately brought the problem to the prophet, and the prophet used God's power to find what was lost. The man trusted God to solve his problem. And he did.

So, how about you? Are you trusting God with all of your problems? Do you go to Him immediately when life's little trials come up? Trust God. He cares for you. None of your problems are too big for Him, and certainly none of them are too small for Him.

Oh, and if this post seems to have a familiar ring to it, you're right...I had a very similar discussion with God about this very issue in December. You can read about that here.
Yep, sometimes I'm slow on the uptake, and God has to smack some sense into me again.

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