Popcorn's teacher is all of 18... No I'm sure she's at least 22. But either I'm getting old, or she is really young. It's her first year teaching, and she didn't get her classroom until Monday. She was still putting up decorations during drop off. She seems really sweet and very eager. Popcorn loves her teacher and her friends, but last night she asked if I would home school her. Again. School just isn't that fun, and you have to go. Every. Single. Day. My heart bleeds kid, I'm tellin' ya...
I was going to walk Bookworm to her building after dropping off Popcorn at her room. When I came out in the hall she was standing talking to her friend from church camp who had walked her 2 younger sisters to their classes. I started walking with them, and they kept shuffling their feet, and looking at me out of the corner of their eyes as they talked, and I finally relented.
"Do you want me to leave you here, and you 2 walk to the 4th and 5th grade building by yourselves?"
"Yes!" they both replied with way too much enthusiasm for my tender sensibilities. Revenge was imminent...
"Well, remember, don't talk to strangers. Go directly to your building. Do not stop if someone pulls up next to you. Remember the code word. And remember I will never have someone pick you up that you don't know... And say please and thank you and yes ma'am and no ma'am. And wash your hands. And be kind to others...."
Bookworm was not pleased. "Moooooommmm. We are going to school. Not leaving. We're not leaving with anyone but Mrs. Teresa after school. You are so embarrassing."
Mission accomplished.
Oh. And I'm sure you noticed from the picture that I remembered to bake the annual back to school cake (I'm the only one who wants nuts.) But it wasn't decorated. Popcorn feels very cheated because no matter what grade she gets in, Bookworm will always have more candles to blow out. Them's the breaks, kid.
Oh! One more quick (or not) tale for your edification....Popcorn told Bookworm that she saw some fourth graders in the cafeteria as she was coming in. Bookworm replied, "Yeah. I saw you."
"But you didn't say hi to me!"
"I couldn't! You're not allowed to yell across the cafeteria. But I saw you GET OUT OF LINE, run to your friend Betsy, hug her, then stand and chat. Then you RAN BACK IN LINE and chatted with some other people. You are not supposed to do that either."
"Yeah, but I didn't get in trouble, so I still say you could have at least said hi to me!"
They looked so happy, and of course they are adorable.
Don't tell my children about 'back to school' cake. I'm already enough of a failure as an elementary school mom. I am still hearing about all my shortcomings ten years after the fact.....
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