Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Bad Tempered...

Don't let this sweet little face fool you...

Kelsey is still complaining of a headache. She lays her head on me whenever I start to pet her. Not in a, "yeah, keep scratching" sort of way. It's more a "I can't hold my head up a second longer, but please keep scratching me..."

I was gone all day, and when we got home she trotted out of the garage to greet us and do her business. As we were carrying Christmas decorations in, she came in and laid down where her bed normally is. She has been remaining in the garage most of the time. I think that being in with us wears her out, so she has preferred very little stimulus. I was happy to see her feeling better, so I brought her bed in and left her to a nap in the living room.

I decided to go in the garage and bring Holly in for a little attention. She came barreling in the garage, and straight into the house. I had not realized the door was not fully latched. I started calling for her to stop, as it had been raining today and I had not even gotten a chance to see if her paws were muddy. The girls heard me hollering, and they began to yell at her too. She bounded right past them, and directly onto Kelsey...

Who, quick as a blink, had her thrown off of her and pinned to the ground!

I was totally shocked! Kelsey has always tolerated anything Holly would throw at her. Now, when we were disciplining Holly the first few months we had her, if she didn't listen to us, Kelsey would growl at her and kind of knock her down. I think that with her head hurting and all of us yelling at Holly, she simply took matters into her own paws so to speak.

As soon as I drug her off of Holly and picked Holly up (Holly continued to try and play with Kelsey, and Kelsey was having none of that today), she wobbled back to her bed and plopped down. I really think the only reason she was able to get on top of Holly was because Holly was so surprised to have Kelsey not lay there and take any and every abuse she dished out. Did you know that I have seen Holly grab Kelsey by the scruff of the neck and start dragging her across the deck when Kelsey is refusing to play? And Kelsey has always just sighed (literally), gotten up, and played with her.

I carried Holly to the garage, gave her some attention. I tried to get Kelsey to get up and interact with us, but the effort to defend her family apparently tuckered her plum out. She has been napping ever since...

1 comment:

Sarah Kamolz said...

I love your dogs! I'm so glad Kelsey is doing better!