Wednesday, December 23, 2009

NOT panicking

Last year I had this wonderful idea. In an attempt to undermine the over-commercialization of Christmas, our family (meaning my siblings their spouses and nieces) would exchange a "gift from the heart." How sweet.

Houston, we have a problem. Many of you know that I am not crafty. Therefore, the challenge for me with this gift is to even come up with a craft. I actually have known what I was doing for months now. Did that mean I started it and got it done? NO. That meant that I looked at it, smiled to myself, and thought, "Finally. I came up with a gift that someone is going to love. And it isn't even food." That, Dear Reader, is a Christmas miracle.

Fast forward to this morning. I put the finishing touches on my gift. I began to assemble it. Something is missing. It is a very vital piece of the gift. It cannot be replaced. It is clear glass. I have looked high and low for it. I have even dug through the trash. Every drawer in the kitchen. The laundry. The refrigerator. The pantry. I even looked in my spice cabinet. I have crawled around on my knees looking for it. Every single member of this family remembers seeing it on my kitchen counter last night. Not one member admits to moving it.

The cat threw up in the garage this morning.

It was not in there.

Holly came in last night.

So far there is no evidence that she ingested it.

I have no idea where it could have gone to. But I refuse to panic. Instead, I will begin to bake like a madwoman, since that is my answer to all stressful situations. And also in case I can't find the missing piece to my craft. At least I can hand someone some yummy sugar cookies and banana bread. But it will not be because I didn't at least make a craft for the gift exchange. It will simply be because I am irresponsible and lost part of my craft. An irreplaceable piece of the craft.

Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to go bake.

Then, after that I have to finish Studmuffin's craft. Apparently, he is unable to do it one handed. He tried. He failed. Now it is up to me.

The Non-crafter.

I ask you: How the heck did the Non-crafter get roped into doing a dollhouse, and two gifts for exchange in one Christmas?

And yes, I will post pictures of the completed dollhouse. Just so you know, she's getting it incomplete. I shingled it last night. Guess what? I ended up short shingles. So, she is receiving it minus a few shingles. I will go to Hobby Lobby and buy some more, or will order them online if I can. Either way, she is getting it tonight. Minus some shingles. Just a very few, but still. I even created shingles out of scrap wood, and still ran out. I even assembled it exactly according to directions. Dad gum it. I can't catch a break.


The Lumberjack's Wife said...

I am extremely impressed that you even checked cat vomit. :)

Unknown said...

Hah! Miss Non-Crafter and her 3 craft Christmas! Perhaps it will make you feel better to call it Christmas Crap. :)