Thursday, September 29, 2011

The Face of Evil

I just read a post by Mrs. de Elba.  It was hysterical.  You totally need to click here and go read it...

Don't worry.  I will wait.

Are you back?  Good.

See the photo below?  Don't let that wholesome all American face fool you...

As I read about Mrs. de Elba's laughter directed at her children, I remembered a moment in time when I laughed uproariously at my children.  And lots of people stared at me.

And they did NOT approve of my laughter.

We were still living in Arlington Texas, which put my precious little ones at the ripe old age of three and four...(For the record, I think it was the first Halloween in our house in South Texas, which puts them at 4 & 5, but my husband disagrees...)

It was Halloween, or perhaps August.  All I know is that all of the Halloween stuff was out, and my kids were begging me for new costumes...I spotted a scary mask.  I calmly slipped it on...

And simply turned and looked at them.

That is all.  I put it on.  And I looked at them.

And they both began to scream...

And scream...

And cry...

And scream...

And I proceeded to laugh.

HYSTERICALLY.  Laugh as in, I think I might just wet my pants laugh...

I mean, seriously.  All I did was put on a mask.  Who would think they would completely freak out?

So...I got some evil looks from my fellow mother's in the Halloween Spooktacular section of our local Walmart.

Yes.  I am evil.

And I'm totally okay with that.


Sarah Kamolz said...


Unknown said...

I'm sure this is a lesson for your children somehow, I just can't think of any cleverness to justify that I think it's hilarious also!