Saturday, November 19, 2011

Weather Center of the Universe...

My mom emailed this to me...And while I readily admit I hardly ever actually READ any of the emails I receive unless I know that they are truly directed towards me, I actually opened and read this one!  So, for all of you who ask if I read that funny email you sent...Probably not.  However, if you sent an actual message to me for ME, then yes, I read it...

Unless I mistook it for a forwarded email, then no...I didn't read it...

Yes... I'm shallow and temperamental...And easily bored...And yet I'm frustrated by my child who lacks focus and is annoyed by menial tasks that do not entertain her...

So, here's the email my mom sent me.  It was titled "Tuesday in Oklahoma," lest any of you are confused by the last statement...

Today's weather report has a number of safety precautions you should take note of:
*Tornadoes are coming - seek shelter in the interior of your house.
*Earthquakes are coming - avoid the interior of your home.
*There's lightning outside - avoid high ground...
*There's a flash flood warning - avoid low ground...
*Hail is present - avoid open areas.
*Parts of the state have received over 5" of rain in three hours.
*However - we have a burn ban.
Welcome to Wednesday in Oklahoma.


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