I went outside this morning and sat in my favorite chair that I got for a steal at a junk store and read my Bible...I'm in Deuteronomy. Seriously, I've always found Deuteronomy boring, but strangely I'm enjoying it. Sadly, I still can not say the same for Leviticus. All I can say about that is...Pfpfpfpfp...
Attention: I drank 4 cups of coffee while reading this morning...Perhaps that's why it was so fascinating?
Attention: I have been unable to find a cushion that fits this chair and ottoman that I feel is reasonably priced. I fear I will have to resort to making my own...With hot glue, as I refuse to sew!
However, I also learned a fascinating fact while Popcorn was sitting on my ottoman, and recounting every thought that flitted through her mind (yes, while I was reading my Bible. I'm pretty sure God is sympathetic to distractions) "Mom, wouldn't it be funny if you heard a dragonfly talk? Only, it's voice wouldn't be tiny and high like you think. It would be big and angry."
Then, we came in and painted some sun catchers. And colored pictures of bunnies, rhinos, elephants and chickens...
My sister Paula, who suddenly has a blog that she actually has had since April, but never told us about so now I can no longer refer to her as the sister who doesn't blog...asked how the candied jalapenos turned out. I will let you know in a few weeks the final verdict, as the recipe instructed me to wait one to two weeks before eating for flavors to blend well. Of course, I snitched a taste while they were cooking. I dipped out a spoonful and let it cool, then ate it straight... No cracker, no cream cheese, nada...It tasted great, but they were HOT!!!~ Thank goodness I didn't follow the recipe, and took the seeds out of half the seeds!
I was craving chocolate chip cookies. I didn't have enough butter, and refused to make a half batch. Therefore, I busted out this recipe for yogurt cookies I was given before we left South Texas. I never tried it because it said "do not use flavored or low fat yogurt." Of course, I always have flavored low fat yogurt on hand, and never plain! Well, I decided to ignore those instructions, and I used raspberry flavored low fat yogurt! And, instead of using half Crisco, I used all yogurt!
Born to be WI-I-I-I-ILD!
Attention: My rebellions serve no purpose other than allowing me to avoid going to the store for a treat I don't even need...
While the cookies were baking, I remembered I had a brownie mix in the pantry. Out of fear that the cookies wouldn't turn out so well, I mixed it up, melted some peanut butter and swirled it through...
Then, while the cookies cooled, I decided to make some butter cream frosting, as that was the recommended topping, because "these taste like little cakes!"
Guess what? I didn't follow their recipe for butter cream frosting either! Does anyone actually measure their powdered sugar when making frosting? Plus, it called for 1 1/2 sticks of butter, and I only had one, so I was doomed to rebellion all over again!
I decided the picture of the cookies on the rack just didn't do them justice...And, the brownies are unappetizing in the pan...However, on a lime green Fiesta plate, with a cup of coffee in the background...PRESTO!!! Of course with coffee, because I MUST have coffee with sweets!
Attention: I do not dust. That is abundantly clear in this photo. My children are the official dusters in this house, and with one sick, the chores are falling behind. It seems one feels she needs help with dusting, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning the kitchen and scooping poop. I said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what to tell you. I guess you better get busy!"
Attention: I had to brew a few cups of coffee for purposes of this post. And, I refuse to waste perfectly good coffee. Therefore, I am currently drinking the coffee I just brewed, 4 hours after drinking FOUR cups this morning. And, for some unknown reason, I brewed FOUR cups again.
Pity my husband. I fear I may be a little hopped up on sugar and caffeine....
Now... I'm going to go mow the yard. I skipped lunch, due to the stomach ache I had from sampling the sweets. Of course, I will have the inevitable sugar crash in about 15 minutes that I always get after eating sweets, which is why I typically avoid any sweets except a single square of dark chocolate with coffee every day around 2pm...I need to burn off some calories and energy....
I seem to have injured my back during a workout yesterday, but have no idea how. I just know that in the middle of jumping jacks my back felt jarred...Then, I was unable to complete the workout due to the twisting pains. I'm pretty sure riding the mower in our amazingly smooth yard will do the trick to work out my kinks. And, if that doesn't work, pushing the other mower through the back yard will definitely finish it off!
So, in recap:
1. I bake when I'm bored.
2. Dragon flies are ill tempered with deep voices.
3. I have consumed entirely too much caffeine and sugar.
4. My family will be paying for my actions the remainder of the day.
5. The cookies are fabulous, if a bit spongy. However, that could be due to some other mistake I made. Who knows!
6. Have you ever made pumpkin muffins with canned pumpkin and yellow cake mix? Well, the consistency is the exact same...Of course if you've never tried this, the comparison means nothing to you, and for that all I can say is: I'm sorry you made a bad decision and wasted time reading this post!
7. Number 6 does not recap any portion of this post.
8. I'm having difficulty keeping up with my thoughts...Again, in all honesty, you might want to drop to your knees and pray for my husband, who will have to live with the results of my poor decisions dietary wise today...
9. My husband asked what was for lunch...I stared at him blankly and pointed to the cookies and brownies...
1 comment:
Why would he be so silly as to think that lunch would be served when there are brownies and cookies!
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