Friday, October 1, 2010

Why I'm Thirsty

Had a big day at work...

It gave me some great time management skills.

In order to work in a more timely fashion, I recommend two cups of coffee in the morning. Work through lunch, but realize that your brain may need some food. I recommend standing in the break room and scarfing down a ham sandwich at 1:30. This should be no problem if you thought ahead and ate a bowl of Grape Nuts for breakfast at 6am!

At 2:30, your day will be finally under control, since you were such a clever time manager. Reward yourself with a cup of coffee while you clean up paperwork and get patient bays ready for Monday morning.

On your way home at 3pm (apparently, my time management skills were still lacking; I was supposed to get off at 2), you will realize you are very thirsty...

On reflection, I realized the only thing I'd drank all day was a glass of milk at breakfast and 3 cups of coffee.

In order to rapidly rehydrate myself, I am currently chugging down a Dr. Pepper made with Imperial Pure Cain Sugar...After all, I'm pretty sure that makes it healthy. Plus, I'm pretty sure that Dr Pepper is purported to be made with prunes, so that gives me a serving of fruit for the day!


Oh, and the lack of fluids provided a lack of bathroom breaks! Which I didn't have time for anyway!


And, in hindsight, this post probably has too many commas, and I switch back and forth from first to third person...

Oh, and thanks for all the time management tips. I will be posting more of your tips in the days to come!


Unknown said...

I remember one time I was teaching a class all day on Saturday. I had a chai latte at breakfast and then a Dr. Pepper at lunch. That night I "ran" a 5K in 100 degree heat. Needless to say, that race did not go well for me at all. Talk about dehydrated!

Taylor said...

No matter how busy I am, I never forget to eat!

Andi said...

Who said anything about forgetting to eat? I don't think that's ever happened. In. My. Life.

Unknown said...

I've never forgotten to eat either!