I am still in my pajamas.
It is 11am.
My Christmas tree is mocking me. I choose to ignore such mockery...I will shove it in a box soon, and that will be that...
I got a new green purse last night. I heart new purses. Bookworm immediately swooped in and grabbed my old red one....What sort of purse do you carry? Is it a clutch or more of a satchel? Is it traditional and goes well with everything? Does it make a statement, or does it just quietly serve a purpose?
I feel a purse should make a statement. My favorite purses have been red, green, and yellow. Purses must also be relatively inexpensive so I can replace it on a moments notice with no guilt over the price tag. This one was a mere $19.99 at Target. Purses must be large enough to carry my entire life in, including my Nook. I have discovered my Nook needs to go nearly everywhere with me. I just started the Count of Monte Cristo. Do you realize it is over 3000 pages? That does not bode well for me...I have a short attention span. And I would never have finished it in the hard copy form, as I refuse to read books that make my arms tired. Are you shocked at my level of laziness?
Bookworm bought an accessory last night. This is a momentous occasion. She never wears anything that draws attention to her. She bought it at a kiosk in the mall, walked to a trash can, took it off it's cardboard and immediately slid it in here hair. Yes, I could have made it for 99 cents, but this is such a huge step toward growing up, that I let her buy it and wiped a tear from my eye...I fear boys are only a few steps behind! But hopefully not.
Popcorn had a gift card burning a hole in her little pocket, and she chose some accessories of her own from Claire's. She has always been the queen of accessories: Earrings, hats, scarves, bracelets, but I thought this hat and bottle cap necklace were just too precious.
And yes, I just walked in their rooms, snapped a picture and dumped it onto this here blog with no editing or multiple shots...
Isn't it great how I can't even be bothered to artfully arrange my purse, but instead just take a picture of it where it landed on the hearth? And isn't that feed scoop next to it awesome? It's tough saying which I love more! And, it is laying right where I dumped it when I carried it home. I knew I wanted it, but had no idea what to do with it, plopped it down there, and there it has stayed...
Again, please do not take examples from my laziness.
Now, I'm off to finally drink a cup of coffee today, and feed my family a quick lunch before we have to head to the gym for games...
Oh, and I'm still resolutionless, and I really don't see that changing any time soon! What about you?
Purse style, and resolutions. These are the burning questions in my brain this morning.
Love the purse (and the scoop) and I love the girlie's purchases.
Love the scoop (and the purse:)) and the accessorizing of the younguns. And about those resolutions--never, ever, ever, ever make em!
I like your purse. I feel the same way you do. I have to carry 3 or 4 diapers, wipes (because you never know when an explosion will happen), snacks, socks (why i do not know), and the regular purse stuff--you know like a wallet and paper and pens and lotion and santizer (I better replace that. I believe it spilled). My brother and his now fiance (they weren't at Christmas) gave me and my 2 girls (oh, and my mom) bags with stuff in them for Christmas. My husband and dad and boys got other stuff--guy stuff.
Anyway, I want my youngest daughter's bags. SO bad. I love my bad, I can fit 3 small children in it and it's so cool, but my daughter's gift is what I want. It can fit 1 1/2 small children and has a long strap that I can use to criss cross over my shoulder.
and I love the color.
Is it bad to covet your daughter's gift and try to figure out a way to take it from her?
Because that's what I'm doing!
Have fun at basketball!
I love your new purse, I love that cell pocket on the front. Your girls are sweet with their new girlie stuff. My older girls have grown beyond Claires, once we went and they had a 10 item for $5 sale. They acted like they won the lottery.
Bring on the lazy! For a while at least. Cute new purse...gotta say that for me a purse is more of just a practical item. I try from time-to-time to make it more, but it never lasts for long. I just don't care much. Of course, I am just now learning to accessorize with jewlery other than pearls. : )
I am the most boringest purse owner ever. I stick to browns. Sometimes I get crazy and try black. Just kidding. Only brown.
So..Popcorn & Bookworm how about cute headbands??? Aunt C
Love the green bag - and bargain! Can't beat that!
I have a few handbags so I can swap them to suit my mood or the occassion. My most oft used one is a D&G knockoff that I bought in China. I couldn't care about the label, what was important is that it's leather, cost $20 and fits all the stuff that a mother needs - in my case nappies, wipes, toys (matchbox and tools are my boys fav to carry in 'our' handbag) purse, pens, paper, snacks, etc, etc, etc.
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